
Plot twist, it has already collapsed, but we are just a fading hologram projection...

I personally loved Jessica Williams calling out the "unique" spelling of Megyn Kelly's first name. Williams is an absolute treasure.

Seriously, who the fuck cares??

very true...also, you have two separate books each dedicated to its own hunger games...then you cram an ENTIRE FREAKING WAR into one book? I mean the story was good, and there were many aspects of it (like the capital city's "self-defense" environment, which was really cool) that were well thought out, but why cram

I kinda love Lana Del Rey's doomed female drag; she rolls through archetypes of "women in trouble" in almost every song and video. While I guess I can see how this might seem like cultural appropriation, it seems largely like imitation of various types of doomed women, and the culture she is imitating seems like gang

I thought latina was a female person and latino was the male version but this race thing has me confused this is coming from a triracial person

Mexican culture? Shit! I forgot to put on my bandana en golden earrings when I woke up! Cause, I'm Mexican, right? I think the article is more offensive to me and I hate the fact that her only background to defend this is ONE mexican neighbor.

Well, to be fair this is coming from the same person who thought it was okay to wear a warbonnet, dance around a fire, and drink booze in a previous music video. So culturally sensitive is not a word that I would use to describe Lana Del Rey.

As a Latina woman, who has been at it that my whole life, I do not feel offended because cholo culture is not one that I feel represents my people. If she were wearing huipiles, and caites maybe, MAYBE I would feel upset. Chol@s is more East LA, gangster culture. Also my tattoo artist is white, his mother is white

Where did I leave my dragonglass knife...

Arryn sigil is a falcon and crescent moon.

All completely valid points.

If she were any more wooden, she could play a marionette in The Lonely Goatherd.

It may be possible, but I think it's hard to believe that someone with a heavy drug problem would be able to tape a TV show in Italy for months, make a lot of TV appearances, stay in Brazil for days to promote a book as she has without anyone assuming she'd have a drug addiction - except for a crazy ex-husband.

Well said, Callie. Very well said. It's hard to say what went down in that marriage, but we know for sure that an aggressive media will help establish the prejudice that only saintly women are entitled to our sympathy. Whether she did drugs once, ten times, or a hundred, nothing changes what Saatchi is.

To be honest, and I've said this on here before, given the circles she runs in I'd have been shocked if she hadn't tried cocaine. It's everywhere in the posh, West London arts-and-media crowd. Saatchi's new girlfriend has been to rehab several times, once aged 19. I'm offered it in the toilets in Chelsea/Kensington

Yeah, honestly they could have made a much worse choice. I will withhold judgment until I see it. I actually do like Cameron Diaz, I just never thought of her as Miss Hannigan.

These systems need to be shut down. Period. What they do to these children is completely unconscionable. Nickelodeon too. They prey on naturally attention-seeking and performance inclined children and their succubus families and parade them about for money. Also there are little to no background checks or regulations

I'm definitely not a Jonas fan, but I do have to say that was one of the most insightful and level-headed celebrity interviews I've read in a long time.

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