
Ann Leckie is good, though I don’t really connect with her writing. Connie Willis I love, but she’s very up and down—her time travelers would never lose an arm or watch an innocent kid grow up to be a monster. That said, The Doomsday Book has some nice evil twists to it and some of her stories get me.

The Dispossessed, Left Hand, that story about the women going to Antarctica, Earthsea—including, yes, the later books, and, yes, that letter.

Sigh, she shares a bookshelf in my office with Octavia Butler—now who’s left of the tough women writers? Robin McKinley and Patricia McKillip write beautifully, but they’re not

Uh, right—because all white women act as a single unit. White women in Vermont have the same voting patterns as white women in Alabama. Oh, right—they don’t.

It might be nice to actually do some effective parsing here—i.e. white women with college educations did, in fact, prefer Hillary Clinton to Trump. Urban white

And, again, you know this because? Are you an expert on the Finnstep? Did you review the technical footage? As the controversy was in the short program are you sure that it would have made a difference overall—particularly as Davis/White beat Virtue/Moir by about two point in both the short and the long.

It’s a judged

I saw Bradie, in person—yes, she’s stiff in the upper body—she’s had two serious back injuries, which I suspect has something to do with it. So, yes, she could have better port de bras and fluidity, but she has a well-choreographed piece that she performs cleanly with fully rotated jumps and level 4 spins.

I think the

Random according to whom? Moir?

Like I said, Canadian sour grapes.

Bradie Tennell won because she’s the one skater who’s figured out what she needs to do to win under the current scoring system—she’s the only American woman who’s broken 200 points this season internationally. There’s been such an American medal drought in Ladies that the skating federation would have chosen someone

“The American couple”—i.e. Davis and White had been unbeaten for two years prior to the 2014 Olympics. So, no, they didn’t beat Virture/Moir on a technicality—that’s Canadian sour grapes.

No, Bradie Tennell is—she’s the only American woman to break 200 points internationally this season. She doesn’t underrotate her jumps and Nagasu does.

Realistically, the U.S. won’t medal in Ladies, but Bradie is more likely to outscore Nagasu—she has the technical content for it.

Actually, a bunch of white women stayed home—30 percent of the electorate v. 35 percent for white men.

And, given the mother/non-mother split, what we’re really looking at is a problem with *older* white women.

In Alabama.

The foreign investor thing gets even better than that—a lot of them don’t want the bother of renters. So they buy up houses and then let them sit there empty. We call them “ghost houses” around here.

Throw in former rentals that are now Air BnBs and you’ve got yourself a pretty pickle.

Meanwhile, there are literally

I saw it when it came out and being around Mariel Hemingway’s age, I was disgusted by it. I ranted about it at college and was considered unhip for doing so. I’d loved Annie Hall, but after Manhattan, I never loved another of his movies—I find them deeply dishonest.

Yeah, that was a little bit of my problem with the list—it’s really a list of things that describe blue-collar mostly rural whites. Some people who fit the description are decent humane people. The most blatantly racist stuff I’ve heard (I’m white) was from country club types. Ugh, even as a kid I knew it was

The white people are basically left over from when the areas were lily-white and the Republican heartland of California.

When I was growing up, you didn’t know how the GOP in California had done until Orange County reported in. Riverside and the Inland Empire were also very Republican.

Lots of Okies and Arkies came west

And cue the usual complaining about Americanizing and whitewashing.

Okay, here’s the thing—countries (not just ours) remake and adapt films and stories *all the time.*. So, yes, the story should be set in the U.S. because, frankly, we’re not going to do Japan better than Japan does Japan. We did, however, do a pretty

Whoa, that’s a lot of surgery—lip fillers, nose job, some sort of cheek implant and what’s with the brows? Botox of some sort of weird little lift?

What an awesome clip. In some ways, Harry Dean Stanton was a lucky, lucky guy—made it 91 and able to do the work he ended ‘til the end.

Harry Dean Stanton warmed the cynical cockles of my heart in Repo Man and then broke it Paris, Texas.

Also, if there were an Academy Award for cameos, it should have been his for The Straight Story.

Yeah, Tumblr skews young and inexperienced. I’m happy to call a trans person by the gender term of that person’s choice, but I have issues with a small group deciding what terms the rest of us use to refer to ourselves. There’s a value to clarity.

Bullshit. It means some of us are concerned with the rule of law and reducing the state’s high prison population.

Persky followed the sentencing recommendation he was given (the parole officer who gave the recommendation was a woman, by the way.)