
Many of us realize that hysteria over one case doesn’t lead to good long-term thinking. Persky followed the sentencing recommendation he was given. Many of us realize that this kind of chilling on judicial leniency ends up meaning longer sentences for less-attractive indigent clients.

Because, once again, Persky was following the recommendation he was given. What is unclear about that?

Persky doesn’t have an awful record in this regard, which is one of the reasons why local judges and the law faculty at Stanford have supported him.

As for Turner, both he and his victim were very drunk and showed

Perksy followed the recommendation of the parole officer on sentencing. WHICH IS WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO.

Do you know what the effect of recalling Persky will be? Lack of judicial independence and longer sentencing in a state that’s already maxed out on prison sentencing and will end up, ironically, penalizing

Just an FYI—sounds like the Latinos and Latinas in this thread aren’t into “Latinx”.

I’ve been wondering about that “x”—it seems like a weird imposition since there’s nothing like it in Spanish.

Totoro and Fireflies were actually a double bill.

No, I think like a writer (being one). I look at the themes and narrative arcs. There are choices Martin makes—and one involves the betrayal of oaths—there are lots of them throughout the novels and it’s clearly meant as a subversion of the heroic tropes normally seen.   

Why are you assuming that there will be a need

The reason the GoT takes place when it does is *because* traditions and long-held views are in flux.

And Ned Stark’s “son” has already given himself a pass on his own vows. He did it after he died, but he also did it before.

The Wall hadn’t come down when Aemon was there.

The fall of the old order and the loss of various magics would also be “bittersweet”. There’s also already a bit of a Renaissance with Braavos being a free city that seems a bit more advanced than Westeros and the slaver cities. I suppose Valyria, with its more advanced technology that then collapsed, is a bit like

Which Night’s King theory? There’s more than one. I think it’s likely that there’s some weird connection between the Starks and the Others, but some theories seem overly elaborate and not really set up. Martin plays with tropes, but he does stick to certain kinds of narrative conventions.

I agree with a lot of this, but I don’t think there will be an iron throne at the end of this. I think ASOIAF is about leaving behind the endless Middle Ages of Westeros and moving into a more modern period. I suppose Dany could end up as sort of transitional ruler—she’s better suited for it than Jon, who really is

Yeah, it doesn’t really make sense for her book plot arc. Martin spends a lot of time on Dany making rookie mistakes and slowly learning to lead.

I’d also be surprised if the rendition of the Azor prophecy was that literal. I don’t expect Jon and Dany to end up in an incestuous happily ever after, but Martin’s too

Did you know you can get thrown in jail for being rude to a judge? Ever notice that if you want real change, you need to change the laws of the land and make sure they’re upheld?

I’ve read more than one self-righteous rant lately about the importance of being loud and rude. I just kind of shake my head because knowing

If there’s no wall, there’s no wall to watch. The initial terms of the contract are void. Also, of course, with Westeros in turmoil, it’s unclear to me as to whom will enforce these oaths.

Sam is a Tarly. If, say, Jon Snow, is on the Iron Throne, it’s entirely in his power to give Sam back his rights to House Tarly,

Bran does. He was watching the whole thing. Presumably he’ll tell Sam and everyone else at Winterfell.

They are, specifically, “the watchers on the wall.” No wall, they’re not watching, though other parts of the oath may well apply.

It’s also pretty clear that they can be released from their oath under particular circumstances—a lot of what Martin is doing in the books is questioning these concepts of honor and oaths.

The Wall fell—his watch is over.

No, California isn’t just trade and tourism. If you think that, you know very little about the state. My point about Mexico isn’t that it will be part of defense, but that it’s a means to funnel trade.

Wreck California, you wreck the national economy.

Like a lot of people who live elsewhere—Texas, perhaps—you

Similar concern here—Occupy had such energy, but there was no end game.

But if it’s 12 days and more than a few people, it should keep Charlottesville in people’s minds and what happened there. Trump and co. love to distract people and keep them unfocused.

White-washing and Americanizing really aren’t the same thing, you know. Cultural swapping to everyone’s mutual benefit isn’t inherently a bad thing. Throne of Blood is a brilliant adaptation of Macbeth. The Magnificent Seven is a good adaption of the Seven Samurai.

The Japanese use western motifs all the time and give