
I’m guessing most people don’t realize how difficult (emotional, financially, etc.) the adoption process can be. A couple I’m friends with adopted three siblings from foster care about two years ago, and have worked hard to make sure the kids, who came from a tough background, have the emotional and educational

I’ve literally been in conversations where multiple pregnant women would gossip about another friend who got pregnant with IVF - because SHE should have “just” adopted. And then I was the bitch when I asked, “well why didn’t any of you?”

The venn diagram between people who say, “Just adopt” and people who don’t know the first fucking thing about adoption is pretty much a circle. I’d love to see them try it, except they probably shouldn’t be exposed to children.

People who judge other peoples’ reproductive choices are terrible people*, so my sympathies go out to you.

Holy shit, I don’t know what the crap is up with this NEED to have sex at someone else’s house. I’m sorry that these commenters are giving you shit and acting like you’re some sex-negative prude. From your posts on GT about hosting/being hosted as a visitor it sounds like you are a great host! This is some entitled

Evie Havok is a troll. She’s been doing this for a looooooong time and people always take the bait.

I said I’ve experienced more than people I know, not all people of color. I’m not arrogant enough to make that claim. And it is true, I’ve discussed this issue with my friends and family and I’ve had more experiences with it than a majority of them have. But whatever, clearly you want to pull out our Hispanic cocks

Yea....I just wouldn’t invite you to stay over. You are way too invested in boning under someone else’ roof.

It makes me uncomfortable. It’s a personal boundary I have. That’s why. You don’t like it, you don’t stay with me.

I read this whole thread to find out how it’d end, only to see Yoga Nerd back way the hell up from “I don’t care WHAT people hear me do!!11” to agreeing with you, lol. Goalposts have never moved so far.

Okay, wow.

For clarification, because I guess it’s needed:

I mean...you can’t hold off on boning a few days while you’re at your friend’s house? Is it that much of a hardship?

Yeah, that’s exactly what I said.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. This isn’t some all or nothing, black or white proposition. Chill.

Harassing someone in response to accusations of harassment is sort of like threatening violence against women game developers in response to accusations of threatening violence against women in games. If nothing else, they are consistent.

In before the UK Republicans show up to shit on everyone’s good time to say the following:

Thanks for stepping in here. I appreciate your comments and the fact that you’re intelligent and reasonable enough to know that just because someone said somehing offensive it doesn’t mean you fight back with offensiveness. This thing about British people and teeth is so old, unfunny and offensive. No excuse for

Nope. Do you really think that shaming people helps in any way? How is saying he has bad teeth in any way relevant to his stupid comments? (Other than they are both related to his mouth...) His appearance has nothing to do with his views.

He is a scientist. A misogynistic pig of a scientist, but still I seriously doubt he gives two fucks if his teeth aren’t perfect. His job isn’t to look nice. It drives me mad when Jezzies start body shaming, considering we are meant to be against this type of thing.