
My shitty sister-in-law, though she did not get engaged at my wedding, announced her engagement at my wedding. Considering that the only people there who knew her were my husband and her parents it did not get the reaction I know she was looking for so jokes on her. Plus it’s been 6 years this July and they’re still

Oh I have the best story about a wedding proposal...

There is always some fucking MRA screeching about how more men die in wars, aren’t there? Aside from the fact that they’re straight-up wrong about that...

Birth control is perfectly legal and this victory gives us a much better chance of getting an abortion referendum passed soon.

As if most Irish people would be paying any attention to what the Pope is saying anymore.

Jia, you seem so precious whenever anyone criticises articles written on here? Writing for a left wing audience primarily when bullshit gets published it will get slammed. Also bragging about doing drugs is so uncool. It is generally done by people who rarely do them and need everyone to know.

I’m honestly not sure that matters - this sort of blasé attitude about smuggling illegal drugs is ridiculous no matter what your socioeconomic status is or what ethnicity you identify as. Though in my experience (because my experience is mostly with rich white girls who are idiots) this is something that predominately

Thank you! This is ridiculous. Out of all the articles that could be written, this is what comes out. I am not a “prude” and like to smoke up once in a while, but maybe you shouldn’t be encouraging your readership to smuggle drugs? Aren’t there websites for drug fanatics that this could be posted on instead (and even

But Jia’s anonymous. How ever will anyone find out?

I can’t believe that Jezebel published an article celebrating the kind of bullshit privileged white feminism that disregards the experience of anyone who isn’t white and/or of the bourgeoisie class, all with a cute little disclaimer near the bottom saying “Don’t try if you can’t look white and rich, tee hee” and that

When I reply to you Jia, it is coming up as replying to Anonymous Woman. Glitchy Kinja! (just FYI, I don’t care if you are Anonymous Woman or not.)

Yo anybody stupid enough to risk carrying drugs and willingly break international laws for a high automatically gets a Rich White Card imposed on them.

Yeh, I was really not sure how to feel about this article. I’m going with “this sounds like some privileged shit” with “can you REALLY not wait that long to do drugs that you need to bring it with you?”

(this coming from someone who travels a lot and also enjoys doing drugs a lot)

Or just don’t fucking travel with drugs.

Like seriously, what the fuck were you thinking when posting this? Drug trafficking may just be a little bit of harmless horseplay where you live but the shit just posted on here WILL RESULT IN YOUR DEATH if your plane lands in many parts of the world.

You are an overprivileged idiot.

or “35 year old woman bitter about ex-classmate’s success”???

My low income clients never try to haggle with me, and have even turned down a discount when offered. My wealthier clients, however—fuck. They have actually shouted at me when I refused to “give them a deal.” And most, if not all, owned their own businesses.

And I don’t understand why people continue to use this as a smoke screen, as though Ramsay and Sansa’s marriage was 1) inevitable within this particular plot and 2) the only way we could have possibly taken Sansa’s plot. I’m not mad that Ramsay acted like himself once he married Sansa. I’m angry that in all the

Does anyone else find this season incredibly boring compared to other seasons? I keep waiting for something to happen, and nothing is happening. We’re over halfway through the season, and literally nothing super interesting has happened... the plot lines are advancing, but SUPER slowly. Get to the point already, GoT.