
No, because German’s aren’t an oppressed minority anywhere. Dumb point was dumb.

That’s how I feel too. Overblown reaction but jezebel criticising the overblown reaction is hypocrisy at its finest since Jezebel are the reigning queens of manufactured outrage and “let’s get offended by EVERYTHING” but suddenly when it’s a comedian who’s a young, hot POC at the centre of the shitstorm they’re

Thank you. Seriously. I have lurked on Jezebel for so so long that it’s not even funny (long enough to remember our friendly neighbourhood sloth dealer and la comtesse etc) and I was always afraid to comment because sometimes comments just get swept away in this rush of righteous anger of everyone piling on. I like

Yeah, realising the wrongness now.

Being a comedian doesn’t mean squat to this crowd. Look at the Jez outrage Bill Mahr got for his Zayn Malik joke just 48 hours ago. He didn’t get any slack for being a comedian.

Fwiw I love Trevor Noah and think the shitstorm was way overblown. But you can sense the embarrassment that all this happened with someone they had praised so much over the last few months. Anyone else would have gotten ripped to shreds on here.

You know, I take serious issue with the fact we are calling this idiotic. The jokes he wrote weren’t funny, and they were definitely antisemitic and weirdly misogynistic for literally no reason. It didn’t even improve the stupid, shitty jokes. Had he been, say, a Republican staffer who was making inappropriate

trying to convince the fiancé to combine ours....it creates a house from Hogwarts. Why is he not a HP fan? Why god, why????

If you believe in affirmative action up until it affects you negatively, you don’t actually believe in affirmative action.

Idiots tend to stick racially ambiguous people into one broad category. It’s called “othering,” meaning they are different from us. For example, women from Brazil, Kenya, and India are all considered “exotic,” even though they don’t share many physical qualities.

Ya I’m not getting the outrage here: the comparison was clearly about their appearances, which are quite similar, not their ideologies.

Wait you actually painted your face with brown face paint?

That's blackface.

I’m not white and I don’t think this is blackface. Newsflash to the outraged people, black people are not metallic robots...

Blackface never meant “having a black face”, anyway. It means, “performing a gross racial caricature of black people”. Is she doing that? No. Is there any indication whatsoever that this was some kind of racist caricature? No. The manufactured outrage is fucking inane. Furthermore, getting het up about irrelevant shit

You and your blog weird me out. Find something better to do with your time.

What takes real guts it to do what works for you, your baby, and your family, while politely ignoring the inevitable criticism, because no matter what you choose, someone will tell you that you are doing it wrong.

well, in terms of who’s most likely to get fired from their jobs, yes. i suspect if you’re a bartender, your boss might not care, but if your boss is an elementary school principal, they’d be more likely to be dickish abotu it. i don’t think the article’s implying moral worthiness, just loss of income potential.

Alright, I’ve never posted anything on Jez but I can’t resist this one-