Francisco Lopez

It looks like a Playstation...

Jailbreak the ipad!

Seriously! Can someone post a screenshot of how this paywall looks like because I seriously don't see it when I go to NYTime website. Am I doing something wrong?

I just went to the website and don't see any difference. Does anyone else see anything?

Yeah, blame it on Japan. When swine flu came out they blamed it on Mexico. It's never the U.S fault.

I think that anyone that its going to use their cell phone in public they should get away from other people when talking. Seriously no one wants to listen to your conversation. I'm sure it is not that important so just text the god damn person and stop making everyone uncomfortable.

I've learned that is better NOT to use a password and leave it as automatic login. Why? well if they steel it then if it's password protected then they will probably reinstall the OS and your chances of recovering it goes to none. I had my laptop password protected from the OS,hard drive and BIOS, then I realized that

Here in the U.S they would probably be still planning and measuring how safe it would be to reconstruct the road. (Oh yeah, and the road would be finished in a couple of months).

It was about time someone got rid of those annoying mail-in rebates, never saw the point of their existence.

How do you test drive an app?

This is the best thing I've seen!

Great Summary! I feel bad for T-Mobile users, now they are part of a crappy network :(

hmmm "if" I wonder how it works?

hmmm "if" I wonder how it works?

Clever, but does it really make that noise?

Never underestimate hackers!!!!

FUUUU. I was just about to start doing this project last week, thinking that no one has done it already. Oh well, I'll still do it and probably decrease the time.

The answer is C. Coincidence? or is the answer always C?

Are you sure that is not popcorn?