
So this one time we got a brochure from a church in the mail and there was a cartoon pic of a guy being crushed under the weight of his sins. One of the rocks said “porns” on it and we laughed so hard about that. Crushed by the weight of his porns.

Did not know this is a thing that actually happens. Not so funny

He will be given a proper masturbator’s funeral. His porn collection will be heaped upon him and set ablaze as he sets sail for Valhalla.

Butts. It’s mostly about butts.


At least he will support an investigation into this matter, right?

He also said he wasn’t a racist!

This looks so cartoony its great! Its like watching two dastardly villains curling their mustaches while they set up a trap only to hilariously fail.  

Its generic TnA pandering to young men. Amazes me how this site covers it so much while at the same time endlessly complaining about how women are portrayed in videogames.

This isn’t cosplay. It’s people in their underwear who found a box of hair dye.

Blue bra = Pharah

A lot of cosplay nowadays seems like it’s just filling the void from the lack of booth girls

This is barely Overwatch.

Didn’t you just contradict yourself?

Am I the only one who tells them when they don’t get the job done? My Type A-ness doesn’t allow me to quietly have my time wasted. If you finish and I don’t you best believe you’re hearing about it.

I don’t want to get too graphic here, but, perhaps if we glued his asshole shut, he would stop spewing stupid shit, and, he might possibly get a clue about what that kind of back log would feel like, the damage it would do to internal systems, and what will happen when the dam breaks.

Another Radical Christian Terrorist...
Notice how there are no Atheist terrorists? hmmmm

So it’s terrorism when a brown person shoots a bunch of white people because they “hate us” but it’s not terrorism when a white person shoots brown people for the same reason?

1 out of 100,000,000 iPhones had a meltdown. Should I panic? I’m going to panic now. Please let me know when it’s safe to not panic any more. Because I’ll be panicking in the meantime.

So basically... if a woman wants an abortion it’s completely unacceptable.