
200,000 tickets Xbox one

You'd just be encouraging the kids to run up the ramp and dump all the skeeballs in the hundred point hole

Big dumb belchin' bears

I was thinking of the Sneetches, personally

I'm more partial to Surf Ninjas myself.

With an ominous countdown timer and a switchblade

Panda racists?

So, somewhat on topic but Tina Fey just cut one hell of a promo about this on weekend Update.

They should have Patrick Warburton replace him.

Meh, Animaniacs did it better

I read through the article too fast and thought that it said this movie is directed by Peter Steele.

Let's see if he's as good at this as Stewart Copeland

The Aristocrats

The best thing they could do with this is bring in Danny Devito for Spacely and play him as Frank Reynolds in full Warthog mode.

Yes, probably as good as the Jetsons got. Also the last thing Mel Blanc did, I believe.

Great idea except I think like half of them are dead. Also who the fuck is Shirley?

What you don't remember the Inner City Posse Days?

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Ollie North's gold will be mine!

I think you mean Marjorie Prime: Echoes

They already have a switch. What more do they need?