
I think I can see why Kirk Cameron left you behind

A miserable pile of secrets

So ABC appears to have ordered a live action Jetsons to series. Casting thoughts?

Stoner Man-Baby?

Are you Sami Zayne?

Only reason I know who Bonni Tyler is, besides Short Circuit 2, is because she was usually who was right before Type O Negative at any record store.

That would be Tom Jones, actually

I just assumed, what with you being Sad Dave Mustaine, that you just never laughed.

This is clearly Drew Carey's doing, somehow

Leeloo Dallas Moviepass

and that's on a good day

Umm, Duh?

Yeah, about that

Yes, in the immortal words of Cheeto Von Tweeto "Antifa sad"

This truly is the derpest timeline

Diesel on Ice

Probably been posted already, but nothing warms the cockles of my cold, stone heart more, than seeing the Nazi scumbag who organized the Charlottesville fiasco literally being chased down the street like Frankenstein's creature:

That would explain the persistent orange light in the north wing of the White House.

The service Crackle points at and says,
"At least I'm not that guy"