
Thankfully I don't remember that, or much else about that movie.

Better than turning into Johnny Depp, I guess


Caution, You're about the enter the "No Pants Zone"

Ahem, I think you mean falafel

Isn't that how he did the Factor?

Well, it's not quite a mop, it's not quite a radio show, but man… (laughs hysterically) So to answer your question, I don't know.

fish eye lens

Fine! I'll go start my own podcast, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the blackjack.

You got that from Family Guy

Hot lips, more like huge nips


Didn't she have a son that played in the East Coast West Coast bowl?

Somebody should've called Matt Foley to straighten her out

More like 85

Wasn't this the same day his last Netflix special dropped too?

Should be Bill Brasky

I've got my big cup ready and waiting in anticipation

Finger Toy,Relieve Stress Anxiety Boredom father Gift for Adult Children by CloudWave

A miserable pile of secrets?