I know Adult Swim Games doesn't do much with handhelds, but I would gladly pay to have this on the 3ds.
I know Adult Swim Games doesn't do much with handhelds, but I would gladly pay to have this on the 3ds.
Are you saying I've been doing it wrong all these years? Oh god why didn't someone tell me? I've been makin' an idiot out of myself!
The Aristocrats
A little bit.
Probably because Baskets is on regular ol' FX
I knew what it was I was hoping you'd explain it to the good folks here
Well they were right about the asshole thing, anyway
So this is what Pauly Shore meant when he said Weezin' the Ju..uice
And yet we still haven't figured out Mr. Fusion and that was 30 years ago.
So they want you to pay $8 for a bag of garbage?
As what?
Roy 3: Rick
I think that's why there's so few games based in Vietman.
It's kind of amazing that WWII games seem like such a breath of fresh air considering how oversaturated the genre was roughly 10 years ago. Then again who would have foreseen actual nazis in the white house either.
Nah, there's already a soda like that, Soylent Cola.
Richard Kind was in that? Huh, anyway cute movie actually, should see if it's streaming anywhere.
Come with me
and you'll see
a film devoid
of all imagination
Now he knows how that poor redneck fella he was prank calling feels.
He'll take a chubby pickle