Turns out Keegan - Micheal Keye has some pretty good VO chops.
Yeah, Black Saturn is basically a shittier version of Will Arnett's Lego Batman.
The characters name is Cooch, I'll have you know.
Hipster convention
Happy that Supermansion got renewed. Cranston's pretty funny on there.
Not happening, dudes toxic to advertisers
He's donezo.
Looks like Dennis Miller's meal ticket just got punched. Time to wipe that dopey look off your face Jesse Waters. You're next.
What's in your CV?
That's legitimately adorable
Shouldn't you be hosting a podcast somewhere Kevin?
Having seen all three in 2005, I'd still pick AD! over the other two.
I vote new wave
I got a Robert Smith notification for this?
As opposed to the sock drawer he's renting currently?
I think their names are Statler and Waldorf actually.
I read this in Gilfoyle's voice