If you've watched the show at all since, like, the pilot, you'd know that they've toned the burping down considerably. He does it maybe three times an episode at most now.
If you've watched the show at all since, like, the pilot, you'd know that they've toned the burping down considerably. He does it maybe three times an episode at most now.
You mean III, Ed Asner's Wuncler # uno.
Fuck yo puns, N***A
He's eatin' pancakes with Prince after purifying himself in the waters of Lake Minetonka up in Heaven now.
More like Cancer's a helluva disease
RIP Darkness. Damn, Wuncler III went before his Grandpa. No wonder Vic hated Jesus. He had cancer this whole time and the conman did nothing. Guess this is what was holding up Black Jesus season 3.
Fuck that con man!!
From what I've seen, good ol' Brititsh BJ is just about the English equivalent to Rob Ford, minus the crack, so I'd be leary of listening to him.
I'm fairly certain that valet, (They're called valets, dude) was his wife at the time.
Episode sucked. Unfunny dreck of the lowest caliber. Maybe the worst episode since Kung Pao Turkey. Total misfire from a relatively new writer.
Show needs Mike Barker back in charge
He's great on Supermansion, as well.
Jiminy Jillikers!!!
No, but Crotein is
You might even say they were Dick Taters
Did the nickels have pictures of bumblebees back in those days?
I hear he's only two meters wide
You talkin' bout Tatooine?