
Anyone hoping for Portlandia to skewer this the way South Park did when Isaac Hayes left?

Old people do, I'm guessing. E.g. Randy Marsh. Same people who click on spam emails and respond to Nigerian prince scams.

PCP will deliver a "Tears in Rain" speech in the finale - calling it now.

"Just cause I'm from, the CPT/Punk police are afraid of me!" as they hover above the "Shi Tpa Town" sign was amazing. Although I guess they should have stuck with the old spelling, Ct Pa Town

I was aware that South Park yaoi existed before I saw this ep; I was not aware that Tweek/Craig yaoi musical montages were a thing. This is the best one I found:

When that song started with the Japanese accent I thought they might turn it into some kind of stand in for Japan+China's relationship. The cut to the karaoke room was even better IMO, one of the funniest moments.

Not free to incite hate? Really? Is there some US case law you can cite for that one?

He seems to think his audience doesn't already know who Jacques Lacan is.

Those two should record a duet. I think you know what it would be about.

But it also seemed like Hannah was really excited about the date with Fran. I didn't find it believable that she only wanted to make Adam jealous.

I am that overlap and now I feel dumb for not recognizing his voice.

I don't remember Johnny Bravo being particularly witty or interesting but I also haven't seen it in a dozen years.

The Asians are right! Most raw vegetables are gross, and even the ones that are passably edible (spinach, tomatoes) are better when cooked.

Here's a stumper for you AV Club pop-culture maestros:

That must be why they call South Carolina "Georgia's Canada".

Any other Gen-Yers out there who got into Cibo Matto by hearing "Birthday Cake" in Jet Set Radio Future?