
Stale piss marketed as the All-American Beer owned by a foreign company. Seems appropriate for a republican party celebration.

♫ A super callous fragile racist sexist Nazi POTUS.
Even now the sound of it is simply quite atrocious.
Maybe if you drink enough it won’t seem all that hopeless.
Our super callous fragile racist sexist Nazi POTUS. ♫ 

My guess would be women who get sucked into MLMs selling weight loss snake oil or tacky leggings, who genuinely think they’re “running a small business” and are entrepreneurs. I know one from high school who is constantly reading and posting about shit like this. Faux “inspirational” reading that she calls personal

TED Talks and podcasts are another way of how I diversify my own information bias

A triangle is basically just three line segments, there are infinitely many triangles (2^(aleph null)) on any open region of a Euclidean plane (and let’s not even get into the fact that triangles, mathematically speaking, are mathematical abstractions, not physical objects). Yes, expecting people to count triangles

Yay! yay sanity! Yay fewer impoverished unwanted babies! Yay the NEA, which costs us less than two weekends’ security for Trump’s place in New York...

It’s hard to criticize the ACA when so many people want to take it away, but it really is a deeply imperfect thing. It’s amazing how people seem to think it’s a product of Obama’s “super-liberal” (he was a moderate) agenda, but it’s just a national version of Romneycare—which was the Republican plan for healthcare.

I wish when anyone said “high risk pools”, the reporter would slap them and scream “INSURANCE DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!”.

So many of my comments in real life and here and elsewhere on the web boil down to “Jesus, look at this fucking asshole right here”, and I mean to one day change that and cleanse myself of this all-consuming hatred, but Jesus, look at this asshole right here.

“Other than golf, [Trump] considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.”

So tired of all the white and beige and pale and sheer. I would not want to stroll around in a human manifestation of my mother’s home decor all night.

WON’T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE FEE-FEE’S OF THE MEDIOCRE WHITE MAN? I just keep growing more and more infuriated. This stupid fucking capitalistic bull shit country with it’s bull shit about exceptionalism. Our exceptional quality is the dunder headed stupidness of “It can’t happen here” “It’s going to be fine; it

Love it. A system that’s doing the very thing it was created to do is a failure and a bad thing. Classic Donald.

He’ll tweet nice pictures of flags at them every once in a while and talk about how tremendous they are (except for the ones who have PTSD and are therefore not strong, or the ones who are captured and therefore not heroic). That’s... about it.

I’d love to know when exactly this guy thought a draft dodger who insulted all POWs, denigrated a Gold Star family, called PTSD victims weak and thought it was cool to be given a Purple Heart because he always wanted one (but not enough to actually get one by the usual “stand in front of a bullet” way) had ever stood

The VOICE Office provides information to citizens and non-citizens alike regardless of status, race, etc., whose loved ones have been killed or injured by removable aliens.

But if they god forbid did feel inspired by the current events to make this, he’d be angry?? Jeez, women having opinions on what’s going on and concerning their livelihood, how awful of them!

I want to ask neontaster, who generally enjoys dystopian fiction but hates sociopolitical intrusion, if there has ever actually been any work of dystopian fiction ever that wasn’t a sociopolitical commentary.

if dope were legal and sold like booze, 97% of violence associated with drug dealing would evaporate overnight, 50% of our prison population would be eligible for immediate parole, our tax problems would be solved and Mexico would have a chance to be a stable nation.
but the police industrial complex would collapse and