
Alissa, record floods occur all the time, there is ZERO evidence that global warming affected this. There is also ZERO scientific evidence based on the Scientific Method that proves that heavier rains are caused by global warming. Let me help you Alissa, there is this change in the weather that occurs every few years

So global warming made the floods worse Alissa??? Just how can you produce evidence based on the Scientific Method to support your claim??? Using your logic Alissa the large sections of the United States, Russia and other countries that experienced 100-year record low temperatures in 2012 were not affected by Global

This article proves beyond any doubt how gullible the global warming faithful believers are! Honestly, they claim to be all about science but they can’t even read what the experts (you know the people who designed the ship) say in this article. Really global warming is a religion that has nothing to do with real

Damn Allisa, if you actually had read the article you would have seen that these ships are “designed for all climates!!!!” That means that if “warm” waters are affecting these ships (which the experts in this article deny) then the SHIPS ARE MALFUNCTIONING! Alissa, try to think for yourself just once in your life!