So, did they spefically wait until Manning retired, or is this a different issue?
So, did they spefically wait until Manning retired, or is this a different issue?
Oh yeah that’s the good stuff.
Shit. Let me try again then:
I think that’s a very reasonable take.
#HotTake: This was intentionally done by a team employee who 1) thought it would be funny or 2) was making a statement about the team trading for him. Because the chance that this was a random occurrence- that song for that player- is zero.
1st real post of Senior Week - you guys are definitely fine. New GMs never fire coaches or force established talent into retirement.
Yikes. Good thing these preseason injuries don’t count!
well, for starters, i’m a gentleman, so ive never fucked anyone, ive only made sweet love to them, albeit oft from behind, so when i have reached the end of my regenerative refractory period, i say, hello.
The problem with this blog is that this has never happened, ever, to anyone.
What the hell is Milk And Honey Original Cafe Mix?