Floating Hatchet

It was hugely unfair. I remember when that story circulated and the fact that people were so eager and quick to believe that a foreigner would do something so stupid said more about them in the end.

That one big happy picture looks so airbrushed it might've been done on MS paint


Du vin? Des cigarettes? Beaucoup de femmes belles? Mais oui. C'est un film très Francais.

Heys everyone! I'm going to luge to the store for some chocolate milk!

I don't know how RapIsForMorons could shake up his routine… I was thinking he could go to the store in full ice hockey gear, but I assume everyone in Canada does that already

He tried to lam, but they cheesed him

It's a mac you've got? I'm sure you know this already, but anyway, I've found a handy thing to own is a thunderbolt or usb to hdmi cable for situations such as this

Only thing to do when old man Gilligan wants you to stop throwing pizzas on his roof, and scrumping his apples.


You cannot imagine the fury I, and probably everyone else here feels that you got the first Goblin Cock gag in.

That's leprosy for you

Somebody stop that guy!

Fortnight is a perfectly cromulent word.

I did a drum fill, just for you Alcopheliac

Will the mannequin from 50 Shades of Grey still be in this?

Favourite Haneke films:

I think that goes for almost any age when contemplating a Haneke film

Isabelle Huppert is just incredible in this. Brilliant actor.

Those appear to Morten Harket's arms…