Floating Hatchet

I found BK a little annoying at first - but that couldve been my problem rather than his - but his "fat chicks" jokes maked me not just skip his episodes but want to punch him repeatedly in the face.

that's what i call the "Bert Kreischer" effect

For 99% of mammals, it's the only position

Is it too late for a SPOILER ALERT for anyone reading this conversation? Oh well…

Not that I want to get into a debate about the science in Prometheus of all things, but all his equipment told him was about oxygen/nitrogen/co2 balance was ok. Nothing about airborne bacteria, viruses, anything like that. And even if it was saying everything clean, to go ahead and do that without any thorough checks

I heard it was changed to that. Bold.

They've tried to comic political comedy for a while but its never really stuck (unless you count Have I Got News For You). Armando Ianucci tried a number of variations on Channel 4 but most didn't last that long.
Bremer, Bird and Fortune were very good though.

Well you have been kind enough to take Piers Morgan, Vinnie Jones and various other douchebags from us, so think of him as a thank you

I think that's criticism of the writing rather than the crew, unless there is some bonus footage on the dvd where they show the job application form for the crew which stipulates "idiots required for trip. no experience necessary"

I liked the idiot scientist boyfriend who had no issues taking his helmet off and then went on a sadness drinking binge after a couple of hours looking at a tiny part of a great bloody planet

He got name-checked in The Dirt as a big party pal of Motley Cru. Him and Robert Patrick

God that was awful. The same with the gang's pathetic reaction to Chandler having a cigarette.

That reminds me of this spectacular newswire by Nathan Rabin

That ended with the 80s. Then some kind of plaid thing happened, and now we're back to being colonial snobs.


Stephen Fry is a great host.

Sure, I get you… but Spall's absence was especially galling.


Meh, BAFTAs completely ignored Mike Leigh and Timothy Spall for Mr Turner (and have never given Mike Leigh an award for any of his films bar the honorary/token/lifetime one he got last night)

There were a lot of monocles dropped into martinis over here when it didn't make the BAFTA list