Floating Hatchet

Watching the BAFTAs and it's its usual luvvie self with Stephen Fry doing his best material. Camera cuts to the audience, and it's always David Beckham right in shot. Sitting in amongst the nominees. The man gets everywhere.

it was glorious.

Hey! That's a personal best

Dude is English I believe.

I would be right there with you, but I've been dating (is that the right word? is that how one writes that? feels weird) the past fortnight and it's been going well. Which is unusual.

Black Bolt. For reasons that are…. obvious

Weird… The weather woman on the BBC used exactly that same description this morning…

Happy Monday right backatcha,

That's fine body of work. RIP Mr Stern

So you forgot that already, did you? I gotta tell you again, do I? Jesus Christ, you're a crazy bastard!

I'm assuming that most anti-vaxxers don't hold much respect for evolution, so the irony of what they're doing is probably lost on them. Or not.

Ooo… he title makes good!

Indeed. Fuck him. It's an insult to The Beatles to suggest Oasis ripped them off, when they're more like modern day Status Quo, if Status Quo had lobotomies.

George Harrison's My Sweet Lord plagiarism can be better explained by the fact that both songs had the same producer, who more likely was the guilty party.

How is it not surprising that McG surrounds himself with attractive young vapids.

Ah, friend of The AV Club, Chloe Sevigny

Sure, being in the office does focus the mind somewhat… I guess I'm a little odd, in that sometimes I found that it's helpful in what I do if I pace around for a bit, which would probably have me tarred & feathered if I continually did that in offices… plus I get to work odd hours.

I know, and recruitment consultants… you can say "we get so many e-mails" however many times, but it's not great.

I know what you mean. I buy whisky, bourbon, gin… think, this is better than wine as it'll last me longer but inevitably it I drink it all bloody quickly

Interesting… I must check that out. Thanks for the tip