Floating Hatchet

I had to stop The Bone Clocks - was very much enjoying it, then Mitchell introduced the Cambridge toffs, and they became so grating I had to stop reading. I'm sure I'll pick it up again as I do like his written, but god almighty, them and their posh skiing holiday got on my last nerve.

Ah ok. That is alright, nothing spectacular. For mixing with tonic, Hendricks is great, though not my preferred choice for a martini.

I will remove that from my "interests"

That sir, is one heroic shop. Good for you.

Thanks - but it's ok, I think I'm a bit better off than a lot of other unemployed where I am. Grateful to my friends for their support. Plus I'm signed up for some classes to get me out & about (was turning a bit Howard Hughes for a while… well, a very poor version)

Well I have been looking for something permanent for well over a year, but I was getting various writing work to tide me over, plus bits and pieces here and there, so it wasn't too bad, but since October/November all that work dried up and I've been eating through my meager savings. So had to move from my flat to my

Job Depression Thread

Just finished "Woe To Live On" by Daniel Woodrell, which I thought was excellent.

Still waiting for that Sultans of Ping FC reunion… only so they can come out into the open so I know where to drop this giant anvil.

You may remember him from Torque.
You may remember him from Hot Tub Time Machine 2…

Ooo… You really need to check out the trailer for "Death Squad", it's a cracker.

I would say that but the kid in Kingsmen is more like Will Smith's character from the first MiB than Ryan Reynolds'.

He's fantastic.

Pipe down! We're all busy drinking.

Yeah, I get that, but I'm not buying stock from a wholesaler, I just need something to take my mind off of the fact that I am on a Ryanair flight.

The great Ryanair seriously investigated the possibility of standing sections in the cabin. Also charging for the toilet.

Or a briefcase-case!

Would love to see The Keep get a remake. Good premise for a horror, just undone by a poor budget and the worst Ian McKellen performance in all of history.

Those quote marks sit heavy around "amazing"

Perhaps a J. Jonah Jameson revival