Floating Hatchet

Bloody hell, North was that long ago… god I'm old.

Really tee'd it up for you there.

Or when the writers are wondering why her date was a disaster, Pete says "you didn't let him see your feet, did you?"

Those knockers are redonkulous.

I'm going to need a Frau Blücher in this

Tears are the only seasoning good enough for a microwave dinner.

Inter-dimensional what? I hope he's summoning the aliens from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Bloody hell, Grooverider… to this day I don't understand why I blew a load of money on his mysteries of funk album

Didn't talking about Quick Change summon him like a message board Candyman?

Zodiac just took his all caps to twitter. I'm not sure where Mbs went…

I like him. Brilliant stand up, he's intelligent, urbane, well-read & hell, i'll probably vote for him if/when he runs for mayor of London, but christ, if he gets acting roles, then i should be getting acting roles

You forgot the quotation marks round the word actor

I finished my bourbon the other day, so am having to settle with two and a half bottles of wine.

Cheers, fella. Here's to what a stupid, cruel, beautiful world this is.

God damnit. This is all too heart-breaking

We're not some weirdo nation of Troy McClures you know.

You obviously haven't been paying attention to the news, we're all carpophiles over here

I knew it was him!

Woah, this coming from, Mr Let's-deport-all-Asian**?

Yes, the hours between 12 and 12. Don't tell my you're not drinking now?