Well look who's back…
Well look who's back…
These message boards turned into a flurry of cricket bat swings to El Dan's groin so gradually, I barely even noticed.
Ah ok… the trailers were confusing me, thought this was meant to be a bio of Frank Sidebottom. Don't know why they didn't just do that…
Oh god, no!
This thread had better not turn into an Andy Zaltzman-esque pun run
So bad, I was unaware that if it was a joke in the article or not…
Without a *takes sunglasses off* cue, that line loses a lot of its power
This guy certainly has a strong line in sick burns
Makes sense that this weirdo would choose this particular cartoon character for a revival
I thought they might be operating a strict bros only policy for films
Texas movie choice at odds with their TV show.
This is a bit of a "get" for the anti-pot movement.
Street Fighter Assassin's Fist?
OVER 2 HOURS TO MAKE A SANDWICH! I'd use that time to make a full meal for me and my friends and not invite them**
Can't think of any font that trumps all-caps bold
And Paul Bettany will make a poor, poor Cato
Never has swearing in a film delighted me so much
I'd watch that Mission:Impossible. I'll start the campaign.
Am yet to find a new place to live & time is ticking concerning the flat I'm in right now (landlord has put it up for sale). Also, no flatmate, so am having to pay all of the bills myself, using up all my shitty low wages. Good times!
Done and done. And I mean done!