Floating Hatchet

They are truly the worst. Their union with Live Nation is the corporate equivalent of a load of demons forcing you to pay to watch them fuck in each room of your house, destroy the house and then tell you there was a handling fee WHEN YOU TOTALLY BOUGHT THE TICKETS ONLINE AND PRINTED THEM OUT YOURSELF!

My Irish flatmate who was born in 1990 - which, I still can't believe is possibleā€¦ I'm mean c'mon, people born then must still be babies, right? - had tickets for these gigs, and she has ridden the gamut from extremely excited to crushed that it's been cancelled. It's weird.

Just stealing your thunder

Have you been here for years?

You've just blown my mind

Gah, you were before me. Damn your hidden, hooded eyes. Boo! BOO!

Cannabis was on a comeback? Sounds a little too determined.

Think I'll just upvote myself for that.

I've just applied. I'll let you know how it all goes.

I am the opposite of out, IN!

She/He's not a fan! Let's get her/him!

God yes. Really, truly horrible.. I actually know someone who dated him. Poor woman.

A growing tidal waves of convictions coming after the truly horrible Jimmy Saville revelations. TV personalities from the 60s who used their positions to abuse mainly young teenage girls

Ebbs and flows, but mainly terrible. It's the down time after busy periodsā€¦ you just can't muster the enthusiasm for the little jobs.

That's an age!

I tried to but all that happened was that I couldn't play DVDs on my laptop anymore

If you want to talk about it in slow, deliberate detail, I'm here for you

Have you been following the news here in the UK? Loads of celebrities from the 60s-80s are being prosecuted at the moment. Some really horrendous stories being brought up

I work from home too. How many imaginary characters have you created to talk to? 17 for me. I also have amassed a large and threatening army of jelly babies ready for world domination.

Susan's parents did seem to spend most of the time in a deep alcoholic haze, so perhaps that's how they dealt with their problems.