Well that's just lovely
Well that's just lovely
Ah that has one of my favourite Simpsons bits in and it's always cut from TV broadcast - Homer trying to buy the fireworks..
Yeah I kind of new that about Thanksgiving… like Christmas it's just you against your family & relatives. Thought you might all meet up for 4th July too.
Oh I get it. You steer clear of your families on 4th July. Just like I do with mine every day of the year.
Happy Independence Day, Yanks. May your family arguments be loud and alcohol-fuelled
I don't know if this chimes with anyone else, but I never really gave much of a crap if someone from my home town achieved great things. Growing up I listened to all the Manchester/Liverpool/London has the best music shouting matches, and I just found it infuriating. People would be so protective over someone due to…
Truly an age of wonder where we can celebrate achievements in bumper sticker form
I'm sure the stick figure family have been plenty defiled.
Is that a real thing?
What with this, the stick figures of family members, the "Dole/Kemp 96" sticker, whatever the hell that fish, duck, deer fleur-de-lis is, and the classy naked lady silhouette, trucks/SUVs make a great canvas for glorious images
Orblando Gloom as Paris was just the pits
It's the long jeans shorts that remove the ambiguity. Get in trunks, Cena! And heels.
Fey and Poehler had better co-host Monday Night Raw to return the favour.
Man that sucked.
"Hey! Did you enjoy the Greek gods feuding & interfering (plus cause of the war) aspect of The Iliad? Well we've removed them completely in the film. Oh and also we got a bit nervous about Achilles having a relationship with his male cousin so we made him bang a couple of chicks at the beginning of…
That's a much better outlet for rage. Go sick 'em!
There's no "win" in SCOTUS
Good films both, though no-one needs me to tell them that.
Good luck to you with that.
I think he meant that's just one of QT films he's not seen. Him being a young 'un and all.