Will this season just be Holmes in prison for murdering a man for being a bit smarter than him?
Will this season just be Holmes in prison for murdering a man for being a bit smarter than him?
The backwards baseball cap… classic hothead cop symbol
I don't think anyone mentioned this one, but I quite liked Mama.
Ooo… this looks really bad! I, Frankenstein bad.
Sold… purely on the Murray (that always works… well except in the case of Hyde Park on Hudson). Now if he and the kid can team up and kill Chris O'Dowd in the film and real life this gets an A+
You have to pay extra for Killer Bobs in your house. We can throw in James, his guitar and his bike for no extra cost though
I want the house from the film, The Ghost Writer… sadly if I owned it, it might remind me of the film, The Ghost Writer. But sweet jebus, that was a nice house
Yeah. Attaching one stupid word to clipped other in some lazy attempt at a suffix - likely '-spiration' '-pocalypse' '-gate' '-kenstein' '-Benghazi' is so common now that he probably had no idea.
I knew Bellona and you, sir are no Bellona
I wouldn't worry about it, Bellona died some time ago, electrocuted from the circuitry under her worn down W, H and O buttons.
Yay! etc.
Gabrielle Glaister used to tell the story from the set that if Rik Mayall was going to kiss you, you had to be on your toes as it wasn't an actor's kiss, he would ram his tongue straight down your throat.
Yes, all true. I think what's worse, is that their life, who they are, what they feel is always completely ignored and irrelevant. They're there to snap fingers.
Perhaps no TV show hurt the gay community more than Sex and the City. It enabled a generation of young women to descend on gay bars and clubs and harass…
That gets a vote up. Well played, sir.
you're allowed marshmallows from a bowl. that's it.
I don't know what it is that because someone is going to spend two hours in the dark watching a film they feel that they have to cram their maws with as much crap as possible during that time, the louder the better.
You are one the most responsible for the overuse of slow motion, Woo!
That he did. It's a really annoying new trend that needs to be stopped.
Yeah, I screwed this up, I know. Was going to do this properly and write down the one example, then got carried away and it turned into a list of pop culture stuff that annoys me. My bad
There are so many…