Absolutely & seconded. In the Mood for Love is a wonderful film.
Absolutely & seconded. In the Mood for Love is a wonderful film.
Wayans is good in Ladykillers, as is Hanks who hams it up a storm. Ladykillers is a weak Coen brothers film, but it's not a bad film… a bizarre addition to their canon
For sure, the man is never anything less than fantastic in all his Coen brothers films.
I respectfully disagree. One of the Coens' greatest strengths is their ability to cast well & complimentary to their scripts. They've made few missteps, even in their weaker films.
That peeping tom with the bunny BFF?
Though it would be good to see him carving his way through Hollywood, wouldn't you prefer the John Goodman from The Flintstones?
I dunno… Gene Kelly was a lot more buff than Channing Tatum. He's gonna have to hit the gym.
He's right. The Fifth Element is fucking awful. First five minutes were alright though. Is it really a cult classic?
He's habit of belittling anyone even slightly overweight by calling them 'big boy' made me want to slap him with a breezeblock
Ah the gin binge… I'm a big fan. As for the 24-hour drunk marathon, me neither… getting a little too old to fight off the tiredness to get anywhere with that.
I just assume everyone on this board is bald
I'm just gonna breeze right by you now…
This weekend I binge-watched True Detective and consumed too much wine and gin & too many cigarettes.
What, do you think I'm some kind of idiot? Of course I checked in my… oh.
and my zippo? i really can't remember where i left it
Who are you and where's Todd Van der Werff and what's he done with Sean O'Neal?
ironically enough, Justified and The Good Wife are on Netflix in the UK. Hannibal, annoyingly enough, has not made it to any streaming service I'm aware of yet.
Not so here in the UK, there's a lot of quality on Prime. In fact only the other day, I watched unheralded masterpiece "Jonah Hex". Jealous much, Americans?
He promised us fireworks I seem to remember