Greatest reveal ever in cinema history? Penguin taking off the rubber glove. "IT'S YOU!"
Greatest reveal ever in cinema history? Penguin taking off the rubber glove. "IT'S YOU!"
Ezra Klein has money. Functional haircut and glasses money. You and I wouldn't know those kinds of luxuries.
Vox was also Melody Maker's monthly publication in the UK when I was quite a bit younger. Like Melody Maker, it was crap.
Speaking of John Cusack in terrible movies… I watched The Raven the day. It was bad, which I expected, but he was truly awful. He's followed De Niro's lead to find rock bottom, broken through that and found another bottom I knew nothing about.
Hendricks is great, though I tend to prefer it in GnTs. I go for Plymouth in mine (Tanqueray, Beefeater, Hendricks are all good), as little vermouth as possible and either pimento olives or some cocktail onions (which I guess would make it a Gibson)
It's like the Videocracy comments for a Fred video have never gone away!
That started off sexy but got too real, real quick.
It's disappointing isn't it. I anticipated those eps as much as I did for Andy Daly's podcast.
That had better have been the best martini ever (also, that had better be gin in that there cup)
That's what so thoroughly pumped my outrage testicles.
I'm there now! I could've been there hours ago had I been further east. Curse you international date line!
I have her remains in a jar somewhere round here…
I don't often down vote, but this time… well…
Wait, this is where everyone hangs out at? I never read the Tolerability Index comments… oh I've been making an idiot out of myself.
Old Kent Road is the cheapest property on London's Monopoly. Just the kind of place Pinhead would hang out at
Disparaging the reboot is a rebootable offence!
I agree, though I'd say Robin Wright is playing it as well as Spacey though in a more quiet, brooding way. The rest of the cast, like you say, occupy a totally different universe.
I have seen it… a couple of times, during its original run on the BBC and later on. I thought and think to this day that it is one of the BBC's great programmes.
I ceased to compare the two versions of HoC about five minutes into the first episode of Willimon's version… and that's fine, it can exist on it's own…
Willimon's House of Cards isn't good by any stretch, but it is anything but boring. I watch it like I watch American Horror Story - utterly ridiculous, bonkers, story lines introduced and/or forgotten about for no reason, stupid, pulp rubbish that I shouldn't follow through to the end, but I always do. Simultaneously…
Hey Bart can we stop for ice cream?