I was just about to mention that… Fantastic voice work. It's almost veering towards a British accent…
I was just about to mention that… Fantastic voice work. It's almost veering towards a British accent…
If the film-maker's plan was to make everyone hate magicians [more], then the movie was an unqualified success.
Good lord, that film. I watched it, and wondered if there ever was a bunch of protagonists that the audience is supposed to be rooting for but were so utterly, completely unlikeable.
Yeah same. I thought it was a decent film, enjoyable enough family crime drama, but nothing groundbreaking. The lead was quite weak but that said, some of the supporting actors were quite excellent.
1 is Alien, no?
as the years pass the sadness emotion kills and devours all the other emotions in the kid's head.
It's no Herman's Head
Even though international football (or "sah-ker") can suck it compared to club football, I'm in.
What about cup and ball?
Didn't Lloyd Braun just like the sound the bell made? No wonder he was fired.
I've got Encarta but it doesn't work no matter how much I shout at it.
You sir, are wise. Thankyou, Professor Bitch.
That's quite the sexspectacle
It's a gun that fires magic light.
Sure, but think of their suffering.
Well, likewise. Why are they acting like they're being pushed backwards? It should just burn a hole right through them.
I'll take one! My toilet broke down.
Here's a question for you Star Wars boffins, non-boffins, erotic role-players, (as I've never bothered to look this up, I must assume that I'm the first person to ever think of this - yay me).
Absolutely… it needs to be done right. Given a new feel. Also, I hope they make it longer… Without the 16 discs to put in & out. I fear the game might be over in 10 minutes.
Thank you, sir