Floating Hatchet

It's going to be a Law & Order deal. Batman is Jerry Orbach and Superman is Sam Waterson. Wonder Woman will be the token attractive female ADA

He did? What's the opposite of varnishing a turd?

Really? Ah nuts, I forgot. Oh well, carry on everyone.

A puppet in the new star wars… that's something to be hopeful about at least.

Even his dulcet tones can't save that dirge

I'm planning one of those right now… without the friends though.

It showed he had the acting chops (stand around, look mopey) to take the lead role in emotional roller-coaster underground boxing flick, Gladiator.

another ivory back-scratcher for "Money" Mark Frost…

AH AAAAAAAAAAAAH! He saved every one of…

I am curious to know which member of the production team had the aneurism that caused them to come up with that side story of James & the femme fatale.

I hope that the majority of the 90mins extra footage is James out and about on his motorcycle solving mysteries. Twin Peaks Nights

the fuck! I can't keep buying twin peaks box sets. I'm not made of garmonbozia money.

Sorry… would've been better to write that not having seen the film, it would be difficult to tell sarcasm from fact in the paragraph like that.

It's difficult to know what's sarcasm and fact when it comes to plot details like that.

…the hell is a pitbull?

What the hell were you talking about in that third paragraph?

oh shazbot…

Dis.A.Gree Story arcs have really suffered in shorter seasons. And Community is one of the comedies which doesn't feel so filler episode filled.

Ooo… you're on to something there.

If they do renew it, I hope to god they give it a 22 episode order.