Floating Hatchet

Huzzah! Now if only I can find a way to watch season two.

I though Lost World was good… I enjoyed it. The kid story though was completely shoe-horned in. I remember my brother seeing it at the cinema first, and when I asked him how it was he said 'it's got another kid in it.' It's as if Spielberg saw the script and said "needs children." Other than that, I quite enjoyed it…

*long past 30 - why am I here again?*

So they filled this with just enough boobs and violence to get the minimum audience for renewal, right?

"So we can't call the show Scandal, that's taken. What's like Scandal, but only not?"

Well it had lots of BWAAAAAAAAMs in the trailer, and Bruce Wayne nearly went full on Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vadar "NOOOOOOOOOOO". So that's some quality right there. I just hope that there will be a lot of 4th wall breaking knowing winks from the cast to the camera during the run.


Damn… older than Krasinski. Well, he must be lying. That must be it.

80% of the releases will be him on his guitar doing Chicago covers

Sugar-free Iron Bru is damn good for a hangover. I don't know what the hell goes in it, but that orange gloop has got some healing properties.

The pores on that nose… Someone book a facial, stat!

Lobot… Lobot… bring back Sheriff Lobot…

Surely the CIA is about hurting people of different race abroad rather than at home… leave that kind of stuff to the police & FBI.

So my nutjob rant didn't win you over… Fair enough. Until next time, Mohamad…

With you until the Matthew Vaughan plea. The man is a hack whose continued employment would only be surprising if it wasn't for the continued employment of his even less talented mate, Guy Ritchie

I, sadly, was about to point out the very same fact.

Is Godzuki in the Justice League?

I've ordered some cans of soup or chick peas, etc from amazon in the past , and each time I copped a load of shit from the delivery guy because of the weight. Can't wait till I get to order even more.

in all seriousness, i think it was Truffaut who said, "there's not such thing as the British film industry"… he wasn't entirely right, but he has a point. Britain produces great directors, cinematographers, cameramen, actors but they tend to do their work for other people. An analogy might be formula 1… amazing

It mainly caters for 16 year old males, or those with equivalent mental age who faaking laav east end gangstas, got it?