Floating Hatchet

Watched this… thought it was the most lecherous film Ozon has ever done, and he does love to focus in on young - barely - women; but this one is so slight and ever so ridiculous…. concealing motives doesn't necessarily make a story more plausible.

I'm not sure the world is ready for that flat-top to be resurrected

Add alcohol into the mix & we'd have to stage some kind of intervention…. or party.

What. The. Hell.

This won't cover The UK, will it? I'm pretty sure that Murdock's minions at Sky have exclusive HBO streaming… I know I can get True Detective on Amazon, but GoT will remain elusive.

How high maintenance is James Bond? No wonder he can't hold on to a good relationship.

I never shoplifted per se… I did though give myself super awesome discounts on albums and videos in the shop I worked in come sale time… which is pretty much stealing. There are… too many to mention.

Tiny diaper… they look more like cut-offs. The Devil is apparently a never-nude

I think you're over reacting there Alan…

Can you not do that please? I'm scared of women.

You may have nailed it with the librarian call. That lady gets things done.

No M.A.S.K.? NOOOO!!!!!

Korean guy from Lost
Japanese guy from Heroes
Japanese guy from Breakfast at Tiffanies
Sam Elliot

Bowls, eh? I'm in.

No!!! wait… YES!!!

I'll do it.

The 80s were a dark time… as were the 90s… basically, any time period where I'm failing miserably… so I guess that means the 2000s and so far in the 2010s. The 70s get a pass, I was a roaring success as a baby

I refuse to do this in italics:

I wouldn't bother going to see it now

The first time the swearing hits in the film, it's so unexpected… made it even more funny