Floating Hatchet

This is the American Horror Story of political drama… monumentally stupid & ludicrous. Ridiculous plot twists and characters dispensed with at a whim. I spend my time either shouting at the screen or laughing at it.

Yeah… not that exciting… But I said 'balls' though. That's got to count for something

12 is the number of balls/deliveries remaining.

England win!

I'll up vote that…

Seems to be a lot of sexual tension in that photo up there…

Sri Lanka posted 189/4 & England looked like they had ballsed it up going 0/2 in the first over. Morgan and Hales rescued things and they're now on 167/4. 23 runs from 12 required.

I tried to make it as vague & complicated as possible for anyone who has no idea about 20/20 cricket.

Blah blah blah…

**high five**

Cool burn, bro.

SAM WORTHINGTON!!!!!????!!!!!??? :-D

From the picture up top, I'd say this is the latest Step Up sequel

I enjoyed Lost… it got bogged down heavily in the middle. But the first and bulk of the second seasons were great… season five was brilliant and the first half of season six.

Nailed it

Ah right, sorry. But yes, I'm in full agreement, Cooper would be a terrible choice.

I thought, as long as you cast correctly, that Indiana Jones would be great as a James Bond type franchise… you can keep it in the same time period, and not have it age with the star (what's he doing next, finding treasure in Pol Pot's Cambodia?). It is after all supposed to be matinee fair… why not have new actors

Clooney. They can put nipples on Indiana's leather jacket.
Michael Richards. Maybe Indiana Jones needs to be more slapstick and mega racist when things get tense.
Or, let's have Indiana Jones behave like a proper professor of Archeology, bookish, and replacing the the whip with a brush and trowel to uncover buried

I miss schlubby Pratt

You're on thin ice, Saraiya. THIN ICE!