Floating Hatchet

Hey everywan! Get a loada Professah History ovah heya! Gimme ya lunch money, Dumbledore!

Ah yes! But wouldn't be more like "Shit Teeth" or "Teeth of Shit"? Either way… gold.

Jaws is great too… "Les Dents de la Mer"

That's one tough category to come out on top of!

You omitted the "heroically defended himself against…" part.

I see "Ebertfest" beat out "Ebertpalooza" to the nickname. FINE! See if I care.

I dunno… what's his definition of a notch?

Ah thanks. That's the TED talk he's giving right?

Isn't the plan to do a mild mixing of both worlds? That the Tyrell Corporation is shown to the one that made the David android? Or have I been hoaxed by another article I only vaguely remember?

I'm Ant Man and so is my wife!

*trombone slide*

That top isn't regulation, sailor!

The Damned were all charming.

I hope he's wearing that hat he sported so dashingly in Justified

Ha! Yes I know… his wikipedia entry is a bit rubbish. Originally said that he was American.

yeah. no 'h' though


Cool! Did you make it?

My uncle. My old man engineered & co-produced her first two albums so she allowed me & my reprobate family to holiday there now and again.

I wouldn't worry, even with 15 dates, chances of getting a ticket would be lottery-winning-type-odds.