Floating Hatchet

Wait, Burn Notice has been cancelled?

They can??? Excuse me, I've got someone I have to have some words with…

Oh come on, he's obviously a sub

There's a lot of movies released this week that feel like they should've been straight-to-video

Sounds intriguing… but what are the two going to do? Solve crimes? Play matchmaker for each other (with sexy results)? Argue about whose god can beat the other at arm-wrestling? Have a whacky roommate relationship?

Damn it, you're right. Well played. You win this round @ZeppoMarxist:disqus

Actually… now I think about it… that dog could be a good link between the MIB and Ghostbusters universes.

If Annie Potts is in it and it's bad, I will FREAK OUT! The woman is a treasure.

Oh yeah, you could just picture the producers insisting they had a fun talking dog for the kids in it… they should've just called it Poochie and be done with it

Total Colonic Reversal

Wrong. Hayden Christensen, Zak Braff, Dev Patel, CGI Slimer as the teacher and Dianna Agron

MIB3 wasn't too bad, in all honesty. Certainly a lot better than the second film. That's a little bit of damning with faint praise, but I enjoyed it enough.

Hey Doug Belgrad, do the girls like you? Do the guys? I bet they both do. I've worked with better… but not many.

Until he gets an Academy Award, get Brenton Thwaites off of those credits. Is that even his real name? Sounds made up.

Pixar's "acquisition" by Disney, basically gave the Pixar guys complete control over Disney Animation & Steve Jobs one of the most powerful positions on the Disney Board… Apple now has a massive say in Disney and ABC. Disney's purchase of Pixar meant them handing over a lot of film power. It was one odd deal where the

Well played, Sonia. Your move, writers & producers of Scorpion.

Same here… it's entrapment I tells ya

Actually I'd probably swap Toy Story 1 & 3 around… top 5 are pretty much interchangeable though

Seems reasonable

A dream theatre experience