Floating Hatchet

Toy Story
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 2
Finding Nemo
The Incredibles
A Bug's Life
Monsters Inc.
Monsters University
Cars 2

I think so… hope they do a good job, as The Incredibles might be more awesome if they get the 3-D done right… especially the Plane/Missiles & the forest chases scenes

I do love a good patronising tone & specific words in ALL CAPS, but you're doing a bit right? A bit where you're a condescending and wrong asshole? Well played, though you didn't have to use so many words.

Oh sure, sure… "a different woman, week after week!" But it's not about marriage, it's just the woman that a certain male character attracts. When the lead character is a woman of that equivalent non-attractiveness, she rarely gets the super-attractive male.
George as well seemed to always score way above his

If one of the main characters smokes, or maybe has two glasses of wine at dinner, the others have to band together to intervene over their "addiction"

Good god, that is almost every single TV comedy. King of Queens, Everybody loves Raymond, Seinfeld, Chandler Bing… I suppose when you're letting a stand-up develop their own show, that's the price you pay
The League seems to be about five brain-damaged sociopathic ugly men who inexplicably seem to attract beautiful

You're off the case, Banner!

I know what you mean (and that does remind me of Eddie Murphy's stand-up bit about him being able to beat up anyone on film, but would be beaten up by everyone in real life). It was good that when Haywire came out, as it actually had a female protagonist who actually could kick yours, mine and everyone else's asses.

As an extension to Mike Vago's picture enhancement: No computer expert in TV shows seems to use their mouse. Whenever they are asked to do something clever they lean forward and start typing away on their keyboard, hundreds of windows open & close with various bits of data and graphs and they get to their goal in 10

hey, @drdarke:disqus that's great he was cool with his daughter coming out… i suppose if i ever make it to my seventies i would probably be a colossal drunk (whoops sorry… carry on being a colossal drunk). Wait, is he your uncle or granddad? Anyway, most people get a bit more right wing as they get older… doesn't turn

Sure, all good points. It was very gutsy not just not to make Malcolm McDowell Red John, but also to kill him off in a matter-of-fact way in that explosion. Still though, bringing the Red John saga to an end could only have been underwhelming… they should've made him the devil & the CBI purgatory.
I'll be interested

I can't believe I'm still watching it, but it seems to have me wriggling in the vice-like grip of Simon Baker's smug claws. I thought the Red John storyline ended (if it was indeed the end) really disappointingly… but then, that could only have been the case.

Clarkson does have that libertarian/right wing streak in him, and I also think he loves winding up those of the more reactionary nature on the liberal and left. I'm sure he's not a bad guy… the fact that he loathes Piers Morgan means he must have good in him. The enemy of my enemy, etc etc…

I wouldn't be surprised if The Mail denied climate change, or if Clarkson started writing for them… after all, he's pretty much Richard Littlejohn with a driving show.

Oh yeah… That's my bad. Should've respected the source material with the correct spelling (for instance, Mr Mom is Mr Mom whatever English speaking country you're in!). I'll leave that unedited for whatever righteous anger can be thrown my way.

Well, it's the one haircut that new mums can confidently give their sons.

He's rocking one hell of a bowl haircut there.

He's bringing back mirrored aviators. For that only he deserves an oscar or knighthood.

Here's to the Army & Navy and the battles they have won. Here's to America's colours, the colours that never run!

Ah ok… I was thinking that Hispanic would just be of Spanish/Portuguese descent. My apologies. Ignore earlier comment everyone!