Floating Hatchet

One show a week compared to the Daily Show's four? I demand an increase in the length & frequency of Bugles (that's Bugle the podcast and not the sex act)

How big is this thing? Triangles & pyramid shapes are not pocket friendly.

I'm sorry it's just that Elizabe…. HAHAHAHAHA!



Toon Town from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It would be fun… loud sure, but fun. Just mind the falling anvils.

Nope, I didn't like it either… thought it was a load of adolescent wish fulfilment. I thought that the Mickey Rourke section was the best though.

Can't wait till Frank Miller's next film adaptation, "Nazi Supermen are our Superiors"

Nice burn

that's "TRANSFAHMAH"… you know, the Texan pronunciation.

And that's the first album title sorted

That's going to be my band's name

But you get to see him as a little kid!

Bonertime & ElDan are certainly taking a beating in this thread…

I'm totally on your side, but you are a strong contender for the 2014 trophy for Nerd Outrage (at least until some definitive Star Wars news is released). Well played, sir.

"Can I play a word association game with you?"
"Jah please"
"I will say a word and you say the first thing that comes into your mind."
"that's all"
"That was a good one"
"how did i do, i blacked out?"

God, it was brilliant.

It was Blankety-Blank here in the UK… seems odd that they needed to change the name, but there you go. It was made great, not by the panelists (except Kenny Everett), but by its two first hosts, Terry Wogan and then Les Dawson. Both of whom loved to take the piss out of the cheap sets and ridiculous prizes (the

1. She is definitely that.
