Floating Hatchet

You're not wrong… that narration over the top of the trailer set off all kinds of alarm bells

Not a horror… has one or two grizzly and/or disturbing scenes, but it's brilliant. Well worth a watch.

Yeah, SMAP! Given that he's 40, I doubt they're still going… although I suppose they could exist in a New Kids On The Block, money-spinning, reunion tour form

Norton and Ratner… that's a pairing I wasn't expecting. Someone photoshop up a Norton big book of butts picture, stat!

Ooo… Goro Inagaki was awesomely, shout at the screen, boo-on-entrance evil in this.

Have read good things just now about Tonido as well…

that was in the first draft

Cheers, will check it out…


It's got to be some kind of elaborate prank, doesn't it? No-one seriously would make that name change

What's a good equivalent of Google Drive, Mail, cloud service that I can use that doesn't harvest all of my data?

I've only seen someone wearing them once, at the bar next to the ice-skating rink at Somerset House in London. They looked odd, but I guess that's because it was the first time I saw them being worn.

I was around 12 when I watched this finale, and boy did it disturb me. Loved Blackadder, so was never expecting such a dark, moving ending. Sat there looking at that final field of poppies wanting anything to happen, for them to come back, to be there as old men… something. It stayed with me for a long, long time.

I'm glad you specified "Negative" zone there as I was about to call you out on some super powered racism

Last time I saw Kal Penn was in this horrendous British "horror" film called Dementamania. It was the kind of giant pile of toss that insults everyone that has ever written, produced, directed, acted in a film. Any film. Even home movies. It was that awful.

So the Suburgatory creator has got a type…

What. In. The. Hell.

Alright, if no-one else is going to, I'll do it… I'm going to say "ouch" for Topher Grace.

Affleck's neck and head seem to be in the process of being consumed by his shoulders

It's a re-happening of The Happening.