Floating Hatchet

That guy is going to do to Irish accents what Dick van Dyke did for cockney accents… good god it was truly diabolical.

After just watching it, that is a hell of a generous grade for The After. It does contain some classic Chris Carter suspense and creepiness but… There were stereotyped, hackneyed characters, sometimes borderline racially so. The dialogue was painful at times… you would think the writer(s) would know another swear word

Fuck you, Chris

This is going to be like when Elaine hired Jerry's dad to work at the J. Peterman catalogue, isn't it?

I'd pay to see that (Sack Lunch Shia)… still better than The English Patient

That's the end of that chapter!

Hope he doesn't run by any ceiling fans

Now this is why I am here on a Friday night in London. NEWS. Cold, hard, unvarnished entertainment news.

Hold on… that was the same Comedy Bang Bang with Brett Gelman's amazing iBrain story. Good times..

I'm very much hoping he's wearing those sunglasses & that leather outfit in court whilst swinging the sledgehammer absentmindedly in his hand.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it too, you big bollocks

I know you meant well & piling on is not something I do… I guess it's just a bad, bad day. I apologise. Be well, mate

Damn. What a tragic waste… his performance in Synecdoche, New York was truly brilliant… really something else. Will stay with me for the rest of my life. RIP

Mate, I get that you feel bad & I'm sure you meant no disrespect… but given that you've chosen to call yourself "Bonertime" and give yourself the avatar of that same man who committed suicide in a Vancouver park four years ago, we can't all assume that you're going to approach this with the correct amount of tact.

that fucking soul-patch… you just want to rip it right off

They do… TOP TEN!

Remove Father Christmas, add in David Attenborough and you've got your top three UK national treasures.

If you use vodka to make your "martini" you are a monster.

Really? I like Stephen Merchant fair enough, but I thought Hello Ladies was generally pretty mediocre.
Less Chris O'Dowd on the screen and TV can only be a good thing… I don't understand how he gets so many roles… he's a fucking appalling actor. His American accent in Friends with Kids was a thing of horrific wonder.

The google glass urinal firing-range tumblr page is really good.