Floating Hatchet

Oooh… a film about a journalist taking on a yakuza boss in Japan… I'm assuming he'll be donning make-up and accent like Mikey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Can't wait to hear his take on "Ah soooo…."

Chilli for breakfast is never a good idea. It's a great idea

Why one last time? The Big Butt Book runs and runs and runs…

They are nice, for sure… a delicious drink that has been ruined by short term fashionistas.

Hey snap! Pen and paper is what I call my cock and balls too!

I'll tell you what demographic Mad Men has driven upwards… arseholes ordering manhattans in bars.

This is great because us Brits suck something terrible at about 99% of all the winter olympics events. Even that 1% we pushing mediocre…


Paul F. Tompkins is definitely getting a kicking in that photo. Still, like his tracksuit ensemble…

The director of Disturbia AND Eagle Eye? Why didn't you say so. Give this man the millions he needs right now.

Oh fuck you NBC… "can't be viewed from your current location". Thanks for protecting us against a montage of cast members favourite P&R moments… god forbid what would've happened if you'd let everyone see this

Hey. Happy Xmas & all. Thanks for the reply.
In my defence, I do separate the artist from his work; but his real life creepy (yes creepy) relationship with Stacey Nelkin largely informed the creepy relationship in the film.
Also, I am aware he did nothing legally wrong, but I hope that we can see that actions can extend

BO…nah… hey you're alright pal



I think I just threw up a little

absolutely… that doesn't make it any less creepy, and boy the character of Betty Boop (similar to the portrayal of dozens of gangsters' molls) was designed to appeal to the creepiest of males. A product of its time that I hope has gone completely.

Yeah, in way… it's been co-opted as a Christmas materialist anthem. Reminds me of that Christmas album that Destiny's Child did which was basically just a list of all the expensive crap they wanted.

And there goes my monocle…

They should've just saved everyone a lot of bother and called this "The Chronicles of Tatum"