Floating Hatchet

Well then… I shall see you, Tjardus - if that is your real name - in the Thunderdome

Man of Steel and Only God Forgives for me.
Also, it did come out in 2012 but I only got to see it this year in the UK, Bachelorette.

Just watched this. C grade is generous.

Not related to Jeff Lynne, though kudos to him for the new song. And am looking forward to that movie, even with its Bradley Cooper ingredient.

**Wanted - 1 Bassist***


"Stitches" by Califone

You're asking that question like he can't hear you. He's EVERYWHERE!

You people are sick! Sick!

who the hell has ketchup on a hotdog? mustard all the way

So it took research for "The Butler" for Lee Daniels to become a little mad at white people. He had better not follow that rabbit hole any deeper then.

Damn, I had no idea that Daniel Knauf was producing Dracula… that program is terrible.

Happy Thanksgiving American human males and females! May all of your turkey dreams be eaten.

Ethan, you got a girlfriend? No? OK then, we'll set up a tent in the lobby, then put all our names in a hat and you pick one out and you both go to the tent. Could be a hot chick… could be me…

He's never going to saw through that lady with a cello bow.

Here's a question that's probably been asked a lot, but I annoyingly also need clarification on… Are we now done with the notifications box at the top of the page? Where will I be without misleading links?

That comment is not getting the attention and kudos it deserves, Historian.

Yeah I know, this is heavy

I'm conflicted… but that's probably because I am just off of a six day bender.

I know what you mean, but it is odd. I can deal with the TJ Miller, Pete Holmes and Jeff Garlin episodes just fine… sometimes their hyperactivity is hilarious. Same with Tig Notaro, her refusal to play the games properly is great.