Floating Hatchet

When I first saw JP3, the big dinosaur came, and they recognised it as being a "Spinosaurus." Which is just about the stupidest dinosaur name I ever heard, so immediately thought that the writers made it up whilst high or something. Turns out, it was a real dinosaur and that is its real name. Some paleontologists

What kind of levels of Vince Vaughan did that part contain? Really makes the suck that much worse.



Maybe we should go round his place, see if he's alright or a mouldy corpse.

I was briefly… then it all changed and now I have the weirdest erection

Down voted/flagged/up voted

Oh yeah, cool. It's like a league table of AV Club nerds

Hmmm… Whilst it tells you who clicked on Vote Up, it doesn't tell you who chose the vote down, which is unfortunate, as you'll never know who down arrowed you*

Damn it… I really liked being highlighted pink. Now I don't know what's going on.

Anyone read this book?

Well we saved your asses in World War III!

It's very likely that Yoko wrote the lyrics for Imagine… but still, yeah… the hypocrisy is thick on it (and throughout his career)… here's a guy who rented/bought the apartment directly beneath the one he was living in so he had somewhere to store his fur coats.

Just by that picture alone.

Has that picture had some trendy lens filter type thing applied to it?

and there's the drag factor. all the times i have been milliseconds late and thought, if it wasn't for this damn hood…

Why is he directing with his hoodie up? Peripheral vision, man! You need it for your job. Also, you look like a colossal douche

No. I am not.

Thanks Donna. Great writing over the years.

Don't…. jerk me around, kid.