Floating Hatchet

I'm no moose expert - I think we can all agree on that - but that ain't no moose

I'm from North Kilttown! Do you know Angus McLeod?

is your gynaecologist a gremlin?

damn it… they play Sympathy for the Devil twice in this movie!

well i'm one bottle down and watching Flight (ironically enough)

wish i had something stronger too. have to make do with wine


Anybody drinking?

Sounds like Jonathan Creek. But it'll be a lot better looking, so there's that.

Don't fail yourself in front of everyone. That's disgusting

hana-bi, definitely my favourite Kitano film.

Oooo… this looks bad.

consider me duped.

yep, you're right. definitely America's New Zealand. You also share the same habit of sowing your flag on your backpacks when abroad so as not to be mistaken for your noisier neighbours.

maybe… there is a border wall after all.

Ha, Canada. America's Wales.

Godspeed! Also available for children's parties and weddings

Weird… open up this review and the picture is of a guy wearing the exact same outfit I am right now!

at least with his lifeless corpse, his beetlejuice impression will be complete. it's what he would've wanted, we'd all say. so condone away.

isn't "berk" a medieval term for a necrophiliac? if so, i am cautiously checking out this new dragon cartoon