Floating Hatchet

I was at a show here in London… Peter Serafinowicz was being interviewed by Richard Herring. He was talking about doing the voice of Darth Maul in Phantom Menace… he had met Terrance Stamp I think after it was all done… apparently Stamp was not keen on doing PM… eventually he was swayed, not by the money on offer from

Bloody hell… you're never quite prepared for how horrible those Schumacher Batman suits actually were…

he's a living, breathing laxative.

149 minutes???? That's a bladder tester if there ever was one… (similar to how Armie Hammer is a bowel tester)

I think they outstayed their welcome by a couple of years…

Ah crap…

Good lord this film gave me a serious case of the willies when I saw it as a kid…

Damn… this is too sad. RIP Mr Gandolfini

A selection of different horses

That is some magnificent hair.

That is amazing. Is it better/worse than Ted Nugent's "Love Grenade" cover though?

As did I…

Had his testicles chopped off as well, right?

Still looks better than The Family.

I like to play my champagne beer pong with the table balanced on the heads of orphans…

So absolutely all of your food has been sitting in a tray under a heat lamp for how long? Still though, the sneeze-guards are a smart choice

It misses by just a whisker…

Ok that's it… I could barely finish that trailer… it was beyond irritating, it pretty much told me the whole tedious story and had that fucking Muse cover of Feelin' Good. The use of that song should be banned from trailers, commercials, stings, the radio and people's stereos

I believe Brasseye was on Channel 4 not the BBC. And that was one fantastic program… Its predecessor "The Day Today" was brilliant too.

"Seagal was a natural choice to provide the introductions due to his close friendship with Vladimir Putin, both men having long ago bonded over a shared inflated sense of their physical prowess and a wistful belief that it’s still the late 1980s"