Floating Hatchet

Good god, is that some hairy doughnut stuck to his mouth? And I think he's using the same boot polish for that as he does his hair

Damn right, he was brilliant in that… really grotesque but garnered a lot of sympathy…

God, that is one fabulous, true to life, totally depressing line.

Oh sure, sure I get it… the theatres need the added revenue, the ads need to be out there…

Cartoons. And lots of them. I've started just listening to my iPod during the commercials…  
But they do list the start time of the film as the start time of the commercials. I know that the theatres need the money… it's expensive what they do, and it is a dwindling audience they play to. Perhaps the future is one imax

Oh, I would love it if it was just the trailers… but it is the ads beforehand, they last forever, are always the same ones, and have some company that seems to think that we should be grateful for them and their compiling of said commercials.

@avclub-de9878e9d33c60263a094abc94fab3f0:disqus Thanks for clearing that up… interesting… I really do hope it continues

senor sheen es el diablo

Ah thanks… didn't realise that neither pilot got picked up… thought they were just at production stage.

Is Harmon not a bit busy already, what with his comedies for CBS and Fox, the small matter of all those Adult Swim animations and the Kickstarter project with Charlie Kaufman?

No, I did not… I fear that if I came across them being repeated somewhere, that would be it for me… But yes, the prizes back then were hilariously awful… and I did like how they would show the star prize even when people lost, just to rub it in a bit more.

Is it cheap? I heard it only went ahead because of the big investment from foreign channels… just like *ahem* 666 Park Avenue

iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn one! "a set of hand towels!"
iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn two! "a porcelain cherub!"

Wouldn't they occasionally offer something completely ridiculous like a small motor boat?

If you are in the States, I believe Secret Cinema has come to you… though I think it is only in New York City so far…
It is also bizarrely in Athens (Greece rather than Georgia)

I am a stickler for paperwork…

Friday: It was Secret Cinema weekend here in London (so SPOILERS ahead if you live  here and have a ticket for a later date). This time the company had been building it up for a while… they set up a fake employee intranet site for a company called G.O.O.D. Posting articles about brain implantation, watching out for

I blitzed all the episodes on Sunday, and I by and large agree with Todd (I hope that doesn't sound a bit sniffy… it is a great review), though maybe I would give a slightly higher grade.
It is bizarre, structurally and as a narrative… it is Arrested Development, but not quite… I got the feeling as I was in the later

These guys did such a great job… well done to them. Almost makes me want to learn coding. almost

Good fucking grief.