Floating Hatchet

What is Rake?

Well kudos to the producers… if you're going for dislikeable dudes, you might as well head Eli 'patient zero' Roth

I just watched this film… C- is incredibly generous.

I just watched this film… C- is incredibly generous.

Totally… is it a big deal that they've got rid of his reactor? Has that happened at all in the comics? And I agree… I thought the point was that his reactor powered the suits.


I felt the Mandarin reveal was coming… though I thought it might be some kind of hologram or such like… 
I can't remember, did they explain if Kingsley actually shot the oil exec?

That is a terrifying prospect

Yes… I totally agree… Signs was very enjoyable and then took a turn that M. Night Shabadoo has never recovered from.

I'm with you… it's no masterpiece, but it's enjoyable and thought-provoking… and unlike The Happening, those thoughts aren't "I will take a stabbing to the testicles if it means I don't have to watch the rest of this film"

Well this is sad…

Will Chris Hardwick bring two of his mates along and then they can shout over the top of each other whilst trying to talk to a guest?

I felt that very often during ONE the funniest lines were coming from news reports being read in the background to the main action. Overall, it was one of Amazon's better ones, and hopefully will continue into series…

Charlie Hunnam not needing a stuntman to read out a voiceover… sounds a little far-fetched don't you think?

Yeah… but not really… She's Amanda Rogers

Firstly… I hate the fact that disqus only allows us to "reply" a couple of times.

What class is this?

Clear, cool… about 11 degrees. Celsius! You can make the conversion yourself…

I would fight, but Scary Movie 2 has come on, and now I'm reevaluating my life.

are they showing Airplane 2? If not, get them to put it on.