Floating Hatchet

Yep… lots…

*high five*

A woman! Look sharp everyone!

But the WORST boss! Amirite??

And how did you end up writing a research paper about tire life cycles?

All tires? or a specific brand?

True… but there are two spectacular jokes that make Airplane 2 worth it… and one of them involves William Shatner… that's got to be worth something

Your work doesn't firewall Netflix? Wow….

Zach Braff and Charlie Sheen… ruling TV comedy… Good times

It's 9:25pm on a Friday night in London, England and right now I'm posting on the AV Club message-board and watching Airplane 2 on television.

"Quick, everyone wear your belt lopsided!"

@avclub-2dd78e6d27abfc8092491a5b76d415fa:disqus Christian Bale

@avclub-2dd78e6d27abfc8092491a5b76d415fa:disqus Christian Bale



"Why don't we just go online??"
"Alright, cool your Japanese jets"

"Why don't we just go online??"
"Alright, cool your Japanese jets"

4, 5, 2, 1, 3

@avclub-f5a11a15cff46cf922296d5da7d31c65:disqus Her Irish accent from the first season was spectacularly bad. Hilariously so… worth checking out just to hear it. "Ur in Moi-ami"

@avclub-f5a11a15cff46cf922296d5da7d31c65:disqus Her Irish accent from the first season was spectacularly bad. Hilariously so… worth checking out just to hear it. "Ur in Moi-ami"