
Don't forget "Ugh! Yeah! Ugh!"

He makes Shaq look like KRS One.

I bought the single on cassette. I know. I know. I KNOW! Look away!

Puffy couldn't dance, he couldn't sing, he couldn't rap, and he created overly produced and gaudy music videos to compensate for clear lack of skills. We listened to everythinig Bad Boy in 1997, but even then we used to mock Puffy's bad dancing and mugging for the camera to much hilarity.

Boom. Purged.

In 1997 at the age of 14? Yes.

Let's face it, they're having a hard time securing the rights to "Bad Boyz for Life" from P Diddy. They plan to play it during the teaser to the teaser trailer, the teaser, the trailer, the TV spots, and the Blu-Ray ads, and P Diddy wants money for every single play.

Compulation is a perfectly cromulent word.

It's the age of consent in many states. Not that I'd know about something like that.

I don't get Asian comedy. It's almost like they're speaking another language or something.

The supporting cast keep Christensen afloat, from Sarsgaard, and Zahn, right down to Hank Azaria.

Mr. Plinkett's ninety minute theses of the prequels completely disproves this article one hundred percent, pointing out how incredibly awful, lazy, and hackneyed these movies are, from the vast mistakes in continuity, and dialogue, to the smaller minute aspects like lightsaber battles and character dynamics. So yes,

I'd love to see them try their hand at The Walking Dead, maybe Game of Thrones, perhaps a play on horror remakes. But that's if I'm thinking in their line of spoofing anything that's popular right now.

F grade for me.

I know. I meant the modern western spoof.

I stand corrected then.

I fought hard, now I'm in a world where strippers are called exotic dancers and extras are background performers. Join us!

Exactly! Not just women wear dresses. Maybe I'm a tailor and I have an arsenal of clothing based jokes.

Wow, talk about unchecked aggression. I never said anything about a conspiracy. Just their somewhat pass of his Oscar flub, and their sense of ease on his movies really makes me think they should get out from his skirt is all. I love the site, don't get me wrong, but still, out of all the people to pull their punches

I have it memorized. Dear god, I have it memorized.