
Sadly, I agree. Plus the way he boosted the Reading Rainbow Kickstarter's funds? Classy.

The sad thing is that's a recycled gag. He's singing the song from Family Ties during a dance or prom of some crap. Brian sings it during the episode with the Bachelor, and now McFarlane reuses it for Ted 2. He's so fucking lazy.

They're the guys McFarlane beat to the Western spoof. Although there's no guarantee they won't do one if the western ever makes a comeback.

Are you being sarcastic dude?

Familiar is funny! Duh! Nostalgia and all that! Ooh ET joke! Back to the Future! I remember that! Funny stuff. Oh a domestic abuse joke, that's kind of funny. Hurricane Katrina? Ooh uh… oh god. Dumpster baby joke? Okay that's harsh…

It's a third rate Mel Brooks wannabe. It should have been done with it and called it "The Wild West Spoof" and pack it other shitty spoofs like "Meet the Spartans" and "Disaster Movie."

The ONLY funny thing about that movie was the way he interacted with his bitter parents. Nothing else.

And what was the deal with his character? Was he from another time period? Was he just self aware? Ugh.

I don't get the love the AV club shares for McFarlane. The man couldn't churn out a good comedy if he was at gun point.

What in the name of all that is good was so unfair about the way McFarlane's crappy Mel Brooks imitation was maligned? If the AV Club could get out from under McFarlane's dress for a few minutes, they'd see what kind of comedy hack he tends to be. Good imitations are nice, but like the class clown, if you have shitty

That's being charitable to it. It's awful.

That's being charitable to it. It's awful.

Oddly enough people that quote Family Guy sound like idiots. I've never understood why, but they just do.

Oddly enough people that quote Family Guy sound like idiots. I've never understood why, but they just do.

Really? AV Club is defending and complimenting Seth McFarlane? The guy's series are nothing but pastiches of other better shows and pop culture influences, and suddenly he's a misunderstood genius? Fuck that.

The AV Club is usually good on comedy, but I guess no one's perfect. Except me. And maybe Huey Lewis.

The AV Club loves The Office? Wow, I never really think of the site embracing sheer dumbed down watered down mediocrity as The Office US. The show took a human comedy drama and transformed it in to a low brow sitcom for the lowest common denominator and filled it with cartoon characters. Very disappointing the site

"The voice actor for Agent Powers is credited as Key Vigenére, a talented young unknown who just happens to sound exactly like Nick Offerman."

They weren't spoofing conspiracy theorists, they were spoofing the movie JFK which was a huge hit at the time.

Why would anybody come here if they had a pony? Who leaves a country packed with ponies to come to a non-pony country?